Every project we make – needs backing. I am forever calculating quilt backing yardage – whether I’m making a project just for myself – or writing a pattern. To save myself from pulling out the calculator every time I need to figure out how much yardage I need for the back of a quilt – I’ve created this chart.
The math has already been done – I’ve created the chart below for determining the yardage I need for nearly any size quilt – and the best way to orient the fabric to make the best use of it – while avoiding center seams. This chart is the latest addition to my Quilt Math series of charts and guides – helping you with some of that troublesome math.
Just click on the image or the button below it to open the file and print out a copy.

The chart above is one example of the charts and guides I’m adding to the – QUILT MATH section of this website, under the LEARN tab at the top of any page on the website.
I have a few more to add, but several useful charts are included in QUILT MATH right now. You can print them out and have them handy for when you need to refer to them. I hope you find them to be as helpful as I do!