The Quiltblox 2023 Customer Survey results are in!
I promised to share the survey results and here they are. The changes I’m making moving forward in this new year – are based on your feedback.
Results: While the majority (87%) of you felt that the website is easy to use – there is still room for improvement.

Text Size: Several of you mentioned that the text needs to be a little larger (I get that). I’m working on doing just that.
Email Address: A few of you mentioned that you couldn’t find my email address on the website. This is by design – it reduces the number of trolls that grab my email and spam my website. I do have a contact form – and a phone number available. I also include my email address as the “Sender” for every newsletter I send out. Please save my email address to your contacts; you will have it handy whenever you’d like to email me (I’d love that).
Results: 62.2% ok or no opinion with increasing the newsletter schedule to weekly – 37.8% would prefer to leave it the same (1st and 15th).

I had been thinking about changing the frequency of the newsletter to weekly. After reviewing your feedback – I won’t be doing that. Instead, I will be adding one additional newsletter each month. Going forward the newsletter will now go out on the 1st, 11th, and 21st of each month.
In order to meet my business goals and be respectful of those of you that don’t want to get a newsletter from me every week – I’m making this change. I hope you will find it to be a great compromise and will continue on this creative journey with me.
Results: The question was – should I continue to include guest posts in my newsletter? Not one person said no – although a few of you did note that you are new to the Quiltblox Creative Community (Welcome!) and hadn’t yet seen any of the guest posts I featured earlier this year.

I’m delighted that those of you that did see them – enjoyed them, because there are so many talented folks out there that we can learn from. I love sharing them with you when the opportunity comes up.
Results: There isn’t a graph for this section of the results – instead I have a summary of the comments you made:
Many of you mentioned that you are new to my website and aren’t yet familiar with the products I offer.
Several of you enjoyed the items I shared for The 12 Days of Christmas – particularly the quilter’s ornament, the lighting, and the holiday quilts puzzle.
Storage items were mentioned by a couple of you, as were the Mary Mulari Apron pattern and the wool pressing mat.
I’ve found and am evaluating lots of additional puzzles, several lighting options, and some small handwork projects. Look for them in the shop soon.
Results: Again – these results are presented as a list rather than a graph.
Those of you who are new – told me that you weren’t sure what suggestions to offer yet.
Suggestions for new products to add to the shop included:
- Pre-wound type A bobbins
- Additional lighting options
- Sewing tools that make sewing easier (including ergonomic hand-sewing tools)
- Stiletto
- More patterns – including paper pieced patterns, patterns for landscape quilts, and wearable art, English paper piecing, bags, wall quilts, and mini quilts
- Fabric color stabilization products
- Hand quilting thread
Since several of you mentioned that you would like to see some apparel and wearable art patterns – I’ve created a category for these types of patterns and am on the lookout for some great patterns.
Results: As you can see – lots of you are very interested in Quick Piecing Methods and Fabric Storage and Organization. These are two of my favorite topics too! In addition to the topics I proposed – several of you added a number of other great options.

Your answers to this question will guide the topics I write about this year. It helps so much to know more specifically – what it is that you’d like to learn more about.
Results: All of you liked the new events calendar (Yay!) Quite a few of you also added that you would like me to include shop hops as well.
Shop Hops: Since it would be impossible for me to include every shop hop across the country (and Canada) – I will do the best I can to include shop hops in Oregon and Washington on the events calendar. If you organize a shop hop in Oregon and Washington (or know someone that does) let me know and I’ll get it listed.
I have added the Quilt Run 101 and the Lewis and Clark Shop Hops so far. You’ll find them in the Event Calendar.
Results: 30% of you follow me on Social Media – and 70% do not.

I’m hoping to improve those numbers over time. One way that I’m doing that is to share content on Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest that is not in the newsletter, and in some cases – not on the website. My goal is to provide interesting, useful content for you – no matter where you find (and follow) me.
If you are on one or more of these social platforms – I’d appreciate the Like, Follow, or Pin. You can find links to my pages on Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest below.
Thank you so much for the kind words of encouragement so many of those responding chose to include. Your support means a lot to me and I’m so grateful to have it. Your ideas and comments will guide me to create content and add products that are meaningful to you.