What fun! So many of you responded when I asked you to give a shout-out to your favorite quilt shops (or 2, or 3, or 4)!

Clearly, many of us have several favorite quilt shops. You shared shops from Maine to Tennessee, Florida to Arizona, Oregon, Washington, and Montana – and so many more states. Many of you told me all about the selection of fabrics, the helpful staff, or the great time you had visiting the shops.
I appreciate the sharing! I’ll be reaching out to all of the shops you shared with me – and I’ll be letting them know that they got some love from you!
And now for the fun part! I promised that two lucky people would each win a box stuffed full of bits of fabric and other quilty treasures. All the names were tossed into a box and I pulled two at random. the winners are:
Sandy G. and Virginia O. Both winners have been notified by email. Congratulations to both Sandy and Virginia.
Thank you so much to every one of you who took a few minutes to share your favorite quilt shops with me!