I’m working on compiling a list of favorite quilt shops – I have mine, but I’m curious about yours.
Why am I working on compiling a list of shops? After all – I could just pull a list of state directories and work from that. Here’s the thing – I would rather work with shops you already have a relationship with. You know something (perhaps a lot) about them, and that means a lot to me. If it’s your favorite shop – I’d love to check it out!
Working with shops is another way to expand my business – in a way that’s comfortable for me, and makes sense for my “work-life” balance.
So – how can you help me? So easy to do … Think for a minute about your favorite shop(s) locally to you – and that shop you love to visit when you are traveling. I have a favorite shop in Michigan and another in southern Oregon I love to visit when I’m in either of those areas.

Tell me your favorite(s) in the form below, where they are located (City/State), and you’ll be able to send your list of favorite shops – directly to me (how cool is that?).
Do you have multiple favorites? The more the merrier.
Every single person who sends me a list of favorite shops – will be entered into a drawing to win 1 of 2 boxes of scrap quilting fabrics. There may even be a quilty treasure or two tucked inside each of these medium size Priority Mail boxes. As you can see – I’m going to need to do some squishing to get it all to fit!

I’ll announce the names of both winners in the newsletter on October 21st and the winners will be notified by email. Thank you so much for helping me out with this project!