What we do is special, it deserves to be celebrated – and there’s an official month for that – March is National Quilting Month. I thought it would be fun (and useful) to compile a list of all the ways (that I could think of) to celebrate. I came up with 17 – some of these ideas may be perfect for you!

17 ways to Celebrate National Quilting Month
- Visit a local quilt shop: Walking into a quilt shop is so satisfying to the senses. Fondle the fabric, check out the new notions, there’s a FQ bundle calling your name (or maybe it’s calling my name ; )
- Visit an online quilt shop: There are lots of amazing online shops (including this one). There’s something very appealing about being able to shop in your PJs at midnight!
- Join a quilt guild: I belong to the Metropolitan Patchwork Society – one of several awesome quilt guilds where I live. The camaraderie, the quilt challenges and the inspiration are good for the soul.
- Go to a Quilt Show: This is Quilt Show season – I went to a show on Saturday, and am looking forward to attending in a couple more in the coming weeks.
- Start a new project: Of course!
- Finish a PHD (Project Half Done): Finishing a project that’s been left too long – is so satisfying. You’ll need to celebrate by – starting a new project (of course!)
- Try a new technique: Learning something new always expands the creative possibilities.
- Create a small quilt group: Not in a small group of quilts that meet regularly? Now’s the time to start one. Having a regular group meeting to look forward to is fun.
- Listen to a quilting podcast: Here’s my list (so far).
- Take some fun photos of your quilts and share them on FB and IG: We all love to see what our friends have been working on – let’s celebrate your finishes!
- Sign up for a quilting class: Almost every quilt shop offers a range of quilting classes. Check out the class calendar for your favorite shop and let’s get to class!
- Organize your sewing space: Discover forgotten treasures, incorporate some snazzy new bins, baskets or totes, think about your workflow, and reclaim your creative space.
- Write your Quilter’s letter of Instructions: Let your family know what you’d like for them to do with all your quilty, crafty treasures when the time comes. Here’s the template for getting started.
- Donate a quilt: So many places are delighted to receive beautiful quilts, including: Project Linus, Children’s Protective Services, Police Departments, Fire Departments, Quilts Beyond Borders, Quilts of Valor, and so many more.
- Teach a friend to quilt: Share your passion for quilting with a friend – sometimes all they need is a helping hand to fall in love with quilting.
- Introduce a child to quilting: So many life skills can be learned through quilting – and the world needs more quilters. Make a new quilter today.
- Label a quilt, label all your quilts: Celebrate your work and share the story of your project with the world. How? Just by adding a label to your project. Here are 5 things that every label should include.
What do you think? Do some of these ideas to celebrate National Quilting Month appeal to you? I’d love for you to have some fun with this list – see how many you can check off. My score is 17/17 – what’s your score?