How long has it been since you made a quilt – a “Me Made” quilt just for yourself? Have you ever? I’m not talking about the quilts we all make for charity or those we make as gifts or even those we make to hang on the wall.
I’m talking about an honest-to-goodness bed-size quilt that you can wrap yourself in. One that’s made for no other reason than you deserve to be as loved and cared for as those you make quilts for as gifts. A quilt that includes the fabrics, colors, and designs you love (not those someone else would prefer).

I’ve found it interesting that so many of the quilters in my life have quilted for years – and haven’t taken the time to select the fabrics, create the design and make a quilt – just for themselves. At one time – this also included me.
In my 30s – I realized that I had been quilting for almost 20 years and did not own a single quilt that I had made – just for me. I’d made quilts for my daughter and other family members, I’d made countless quilts to donate – and even more that I sold at a small craft boutique in Beaverton. Years and years of quilting – and not one quilt on my bed. Does that sound a little like the shoemaker’s children have no shoes?
It occurred to me then that I wanted a quilt – a “Me Made” quilt – just for me. One that I could wrap up in on a cool evening or snuggle under while watching tv. A quilt that included my favorite fabrics and colors – without regard to whether or not they “matched” the decor. I wanted to be a quilter – who actually had a favorite Me Made quilt.
That needed to change. I signed up for a 1-day quilting class through the community college and scheduled a day off so I could take the class. It was a class on making an Irish Chain Quilt Top. Now, here’s the thing – I had already made several Irish Chain quilts, I didn’t need to know how to make one. What I needed was a whole day to myself – where I could work on my quilt without interruption. The instructor (bless her) sent out a materials list that included yardages of 3 different fabrics.
Clearly – that wasn’t going to work for the quilt I wanted to create for myself. I showed up to class with approximately 36 different fabrics in shades of blue and purple – and a white print for the background. She did have a bit of a panic moment – until I explained why I was taking the class – and that I would just hang out in the back. She could spend her time helping the other students and not worry about me. At the end of the long class day – my quilt top was complete and I was ready to layer and quilt it with a simple grid pattern.

That Irish Chain quilt (pictured above) has traveled the world with me over the past 30 years. I loved it then, and I love it still – even if it is a little worse for the wear it has seen.
A few years ago, I decided that my favorite quit needed to be retired from active duty so it wouldn’t see any further wear. I decided to make myself a new Me Made quilt – again using my favorite colors and fabrics (this time it was batiks). Without realizing it – I also chose a similar design style – while not quite an Irish Chain – it’s certainly a close variation of the chain. I absolutely love it, it’s on the end of my bed every single night. This new quilt may not travel as far as my original Me Made quilt – but I’m appreciating it every single day.

At the risk of sounding preachy – you are worth the time, effort, and expense of creating a Me Made quilt of your very own. A quilt in your own favorite colors, fabrics, and design style. One favorite quilt you can wrap up in on those chilly nights – or when you are having a stressful day. It’s comforting, and isn’t that the feeling you want others to have when you gift them a quilt you made especially for them? You deserve that same feeling. Go on now – make yourself a Me Made quilt, and enjoy every moment of it.
If you have made a Me Made quilt – I’d love the see a picture of it! You can email it to me at