Together – We Rise
One of the best things about being a pattern designer – is getting to work with other pattern designers. I love how we can all approach the same challenge and come up with such different results. I’m blown away by how much I’m learning from others doing the same work that I’m doing.
This month I’ve joined several other pattern designers to make up blocks from Kate Colleran’s new Sisterhood Block of the Month. Each of us made up one of the blocks in the fabrics of our choice and we’ve each dedicated our block to a woman in our lives that inspired us.
Kate is running a Sew Along on her website – you can join in here: Sisterhood – The Quilt
Block 6 – Jeanne
You’ll see the block I made up – it’s Block 6 in Kate’s Sisterhood Block of the Month. I’m dedicating my block to someone that I only knew for a few years. I met Jeanne when she was in her mid 80’s. Very early one morning, she came walking down the pathway behind our house – carrying a giant garbage bag of cans and bottles. We stopped to say hi and introduced ourselves and then carried on with our early morning walk.

Little did I know that I had just met someone that I’d been following in the newspaper for years. She didn’t mention it when we met, and I didn’t make the connection until weeks later. Jeanne had been a journalist for several local papers for many years.
I read her column every morning – and looked forward to what she had to say about life in our community and about the world at large. It never occurred to her to retire. She loved what she was doing and the connections that she made with people each and every day.
Jeanne started joining us most days for our early morning walks. As we walked and visited – I learned that those bags of bottles and cans she always had with her – were redeemed. The proceeds were donated to a classroom at our local grade school. Over the years she donated many thousands of dollars to provide extra resources for the students and the school programs that were in danger of being cut.
As I got to know Jeanne better through our daily walks – I had opportunities to meet her amazing children and others in the senior community she lived in. I learned quite a bit about her life story – it wasn’t an easy journey, and she was quite the trailblazer in her time.
Her friendship was – and is very special to me. She had a way of encouraging and sharing great ideas. She helped talk me through lots of big decisions I had facing me at the time, without judging or telling me what decision I should make. I realized that she was the role model for the person I want to be as I grow older. Her energy, enthusiasm, generosity, and positive outlook on life continue to inspire me – even though she’s been gone a few years now. Although she passed at nearly 96 years young – I think of her quite often – she was and will always be someone I am honored to have as a friend.