Greetings everyone!
This site will look very different from what you are used to when you visit my online shop. I have moved my website from where I had it hosted – to a new host. That means rebuilding everything from the ground up. I’m working on making this online shop – bigger, better, and more helpful than ever before. It’s pretty exciting – but it’s going to take me a minute to get that done.
So many building blocks – so little time : )
I’ll be posting about my progress on Facebook and Instagram – I hope you follow me in one (or both) of those places. I love connecting with you and look forward to doing more of that as we go along.
Be sure to bookmark this page – – I’ll be bring you lots of new quilty treasures over the next weeks and months. As always – have a question – please let me know. Looking for a quilting product? I’ll do my best to find it for you, and make it available in my (virtual) shop.
Hang in there with me : )