It pays to do some research, Survey results about Quilt Design Software, and some Quilty Treasures – New in the Shop. Read all about it in the Quiltblox eNewsletter. Click…

And the Survey Says – Quilt Design Software
A couple of weeks ago I sent out a survey about using quilt design software – and more specifically about Electric Quilt Company software. If you get the Quiltblox eNewsletter…

It Pays to do Some Research – Market Finds
A big part of my job as a shop owner is to research new products. Sounds like a fun part of the job – right? It is, and I love…

The Quiltblox eNewsletter – November 1, 2023
Quilt Market Adventures, Looking for your input about Quilt Design Software, and some Quilty Treasures – New in the Shop. Read all about it in the Quiltblox eNewsletter. Click on…

Fall Quilt Market – Adventures in Houston Texas
If you’ve never heard of Quilt Market – it’s because it’s a trade show targeted to quilt shop owners, pattern designers, and other quilting industry professionals. All the folks that…

EQ Design Software – Looking for Your Input
I’ve been learning – and using EQ Design software for the past several months. It’s been a little bit of a learning curve – as most new things are. But…

The Quiltblox eNewsletter – October 21, 2023
What’s a Quilt Shop without fabric? Introducing Connecting Threads and The Fat Quarter Shop. Read all about it in the Quiltblox eNewsletter. Click on the image to read the October…

Fabric is now available in the Quiltblox shop
I mentioned in the last newsletter that I have some big news to share – and this is it! I’ve partnered with Connecting Threads and The Fat Quarter Shop. Both…

The Quiltblox eNewsletter – October 11, 2023
Photo Memory Quilts, The Needle Threader hunt is on, and some of my favorite Quilty Treasures are featured in the Shop. Read all about it in the Quiltblox eNewsletter. Click…

Have you ever added photographs to a quilt?
I recently started a project where I am using photographs and printing them on fabric to be used in a quilt. Yes, it’s the Metropolitan Patchwork Society 2023 Challenge project…