It’s “block remix” time! This month I am taking part in a designer challenge to remix the classic Bow Tie Block. Each Monday in November (starting last week) we are sharing our progress with redesigning this traditional block. It will be a lot of fun to see what all the other pattern designers come up with.
Like I did last month – I decided to play with colors I rarely use in my quilts. Not because I don’t like them (I do) – but for some reason, this combination of colors doesn’t show up in my projects. I’m doing these challenges to push myself to try something new.
Each week I’ll update this post with my progress – so you can see where I started – and where I end up. Even I don’t know that yet ; )
Week 1 – Fabric Pull

I had this stripe in my stash – but absolutely nothing to go with it – until I was gifted this little bundle from Maywood Studio. It’s it perfect? Let’s see what I can come up with.
Week 2 – Sneak Peek – 1

I decided to start playing with the block in EQ8. I’ve had the program for a while and I’m working on learning how to use it more effectively. Why not start with a really simple block? Not quite sure where I’m going to go with it next. Stay tuned for next Monday – I’ll share my progress here and on Instagram.